Wednesday, November 21, 2012

The Lacey Adventures

There's something my Dad's side of the family always says when they hear about me doing anything new: "You're on an adventure!" I hate it. I really do. Mostly because the first time one of them said it to me, an all-day solo airport fiasco ensued. Long story. Basically, I got up at dead-thirty in the morning, only to be bumped to the next flight, which turned around half an hour after lift off because the door wasn't sealed correctly. Many hours, several bumped flights, and two airports later, I finally got to my destination... and claimed my luggage which had been sitting there from the flight I was supposed to come in on originally.

Phew! Get all that? Good.

So why would I choose to write about our "adventures"? Well, simply because - say that word or not - there are roughly a bazillion adventures you'll take during your life. Good or bad, they'll come, and you just have to deal with it. So here we go - cue The Lacey Adventures.


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