Thursday, January 30, 2014 0 comments

My Husband

I've been thinking of a post like this for quite a while. Maybe it's silly, but I really want to get it out, so bear with me.

We've all seen newlyweds on Facebook post the obligatory "My husband/wife is the best!" Well, I'm here to say my husband really is the best - he's the very best for me.

My husband may not be great for my best girlfriend or some single lady walking down Main Street, but he is my rock. With him, I found the kind of connection where silence is comfortable and encounters aren't forced; where silliness is perfectly okay - even encouraged - and all we want from each other is each other.

I hadn't exactly lived in a bubble before Charles. I'd had feelings for other men before I knew he even existed. However, being with or around them was never as natural as being with Charles, and I always felt like there was at least one thing I couldn't stand. With Charles, we clicked instantly. He met every important criteria, and I have never felt like I had to pretend or try to hide the geeky or weak parts of myself.

I love when he sings to me. I love how he holds me, and how he can only sleep if I'm next to him. I love that he doesn't leave without kissing me and telling me he loves me, and I love that he does the best he can to provide for us. I love that we make goofy faces at each other, and have our own little code for speaking without words. I love that making him happy makes me happy too.

Do we have the exact same interests? Nope! I could never pretend to like football as much as he does, and he could never get as excited about a new skein of yarn as I do. Aside from our interest in each other, we love our children, bowling, cuddling, caring for animals, shooting, going to the temple, etc.

The best place for me is with him - working, growing, loving, learning - and it's exactly where I intend to stay. I have been so blessed. My husband really is the best, and I wouldn't have it any other way.
Tuesday, January 21, 2014 0 comments


Dear blog world,

Sorry I've been M.I.A. for a while. I have been occasionally writing in a journal to Charlotte, but that's about it. I came back from the hospital yesterday after a bad run-in with both dehydration and migraine headaches. Right now I'm basically just drinking water like a maniac, trying to make sure I get enough food to eat, and making a valiant effort to stay sane until Charlotte decides it's time to show her pretty little face. As I type, she's kicking away. So things are good, I'm just anxious. It's been difficult to separate this pregnancy from Sophia's. Charlotte's baby shower is next week, which is new territory for me. I'm hoping that'll be enough to really make a difference.

For now,
