Wednesday, September 25, 2013

The Survivalist Religion Paper

I wrote this paper three nearly years ago, and it's been sitting on my computer ever since. As I obviously was loathe to delete it, I thought I would share it with you all. I'll even throw in the "Works Cited" page, for those of you who'd like to ooh and ahh over it:

What Great Things the Lord Hath Done for the House of Israel

When I first began thinking about what I would write for this paper, all I could come up with was what I didn't want to write about. From what I can tell, there’s nothing more irritating than having to read around several hundred essays which are all centered on the same generic topics. Accordingly, my paper has two main directives. Directive one: choose an interesting and (hopefully) unique topic which won’t bore poor Brother Butterfield. Directive two: gain a greater understanding of said topic through thorough research and personal pondering. The topic I've chosen is the “great things the Lord hath done for [the house of Israel],” as stated in the title page of the Book of Mormon. These “things” can be found all over – in both recent history and the ancient beginnings of our church, the scriptures, and even in our very own lives.

Our Heavenly Father is omniscient, which means He “knoweth all things, for all things are present before [Him]” (D&C 38:2). He has worked nonstop to make sure His purposes are fulfilled. For example, we have what we need in the Book of Mormon because He knew Joseph Smith would allow Martin Harris to take the 116 pages which are now lost forever. From the beginning, that was a part of His plan. The Lord would not allow us to suffer simply because Joseph Smith and Martin Harris needed to learn a lesson. The work still needed to move along. It’s mind-boggling to even attempt to understand all the buffers the Lord has blessed us with. As members of Christ’s restored church on the earth, I submit we often take our many blessings for granted. In reality, nothing about this church is, has been, or ever will be easy. Take the atonement, the key to eternal salvation, for example. Was it easy for Christ to lead a completely sinless life? Was his suffering in Gethsemane a pleasant experience? No and no. Even Christ, the greatest man who ever walked the earth, was tempted. When our Lord and Savior was at one of his physically weakest points, having undergone a lengthy fast necessary in his preparations for his ministry, the devil came to him, tempting him to use his divine powers to attain food. He went through trials and overcame each one for us. The very fact that Christ condescended to come to earth and suffer in the way He did, is an excellent example of the great things the Lord has done for us, the House of Israel. Similarly, Joseph Smith Jr. and his brother Hyrum were martyred for the cause of the restoration. Living as Latter-Day Saints has not gotten any easier necessarily, but we tend not to realize the gravity of the sacrifices other people have had to endure for the Gospel.

The Lord’s blessings have not only been for us in the last several hundred years. He has been doing great things for the people on this earth even since before we knew we would be coming down here. He first allowed us our agency to choose to whether or not to come down to earth, to accept the trials we knew we would have to face, then sent us off to use our agency here… but He has never left us completely alone. Even those who were on the earth when the priesthood had been taken away have the ability to reap the blessings of the atonement. He has provided a way for us to do the work for them here, at which point they still have the agency to accept or deny the truth. In addition, the Lord has done many other marvelous things for His people. There was nothing ordinary about Moses splitting the Red Sea so the Israelites could cross to safety on dry ground, nor can anyone deny the hand of the Lord in the story of Sherem in Jacob, chapter 7, where he was preaching “among the people, and [declaring] unto them that there should be no Christ,” demanded a sign from Jacob, and was dead not long after confessing he’d been wrong the whole time. The Lord will do what is necessary for His people, even if it involves sacrificing one or a few of His children so the testimonies of others can grow.

Another great example of how the Lord has gone to great lengths for the House of Israel is part of the story of original household of Israel. What were the chances that Joseph, who was sold into captivity by his brothers and ended up in prison after Potiphar’s sly wife wrongfully accused him of attempting to seduce her, would essentially become an economic adviser to the Pharaoh? Then, on top of all of that, what were the chances that his brothers would end up coming to him in humility, actually sorry for what they’d done? When you think of the improbability of each of these things happening to one person, it’s easy to believe the Lord has done many great things for the House of Israel and continues to do so.

In 2 Nephi 28:27 it says “Yea, wo be unto him that saith: We have received, and we need no more!” This verse is in reference to continuing revelation, which is another way the Lord has done great things for His people, but I believe it also makes a strong case for the Lord’s continual blessings for us. He, better than all people, knows the trials we are going through and desires to help us, should we allow Him to. The great things the Lord does for us don’t have to be earth-shattering miracles. They could be as simple as providing an opportunity for your testimony to grow. As a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, I have the unique opportunity to hold a compilation of the experiences and revelations of many inspired prophets in the palm of my hand: the Book of Mormon. All throughout the scriptures we see examples of how the House of Israel is being led away from the ways they know to be right by the devil’s cunning traps. Too often are we lulled into a false sense of security and allow Satan to influence our lives. One tactic he uses is doubt. This concept is evident in the title page of the Book of Mormon, when Moroni writes “And now, if there are faults they are the mistakes of men; wherefore, condemn not the things of God, that ye may be found spotless at the judgment-seat of Christ.” I remember the first time I found a typo in my copy of the Book of Mormon – I was shocked. How could the most correct book in all of human history have a typo? My young testimony was bruised as doubt began to seep into my soul. Then one day I came upon this scripture and this reality hit me in the face: the Book of Mormon is a true book written by imperfect humans for imperfect humans. The Gospel will still be true, even and especially if my copy of the truth carries a typo, I don’t quite understand, or if I don’t like the way something was said. What matters is that the Book of Mormon came from the Lord, who cares about us and knows what we need to hear. In that experience, I was given the opportunity to learn and grow because the Lord had seen fit to inspire those words from Moroni to the world.

The Lord continues to bless the House of Israel. Examples of His blessings can be found in every aspect of our lives and histories because everything about this earth was built to facilitate successful earthly experiences. He loves us and He has already given everything: His divine guidance, a living prophet, valiant prophets of the past, and even an atoning sacrifice which we could not have done by ourselves. It’s up to us now to realize our many blessings and seize the great opportunities of life and the Gospel which the Lord has labored to offer us.


Works Cited

"2 Nephi Chapter 28." The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Web. 28 Oct. 2010. <>.

"Doctrine and Covenants Section 38." The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Web. 28 Oct. 2010. <>.

Hunter, Howard W. "The Temptations of Christ - Ensign Nov. 1976." The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Web. 28 Oct. 2010. <>.

"Jacob Chapter 7." The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Web. 28 Oct. 2010. <>.

Matthew. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Web. 28 Oct. 2010. <>.

Maxwell, Neal A. All These Things Shall Give Thee Experience. Salt Lake City, UT: Deseret Book, 1979. Print. * I would have cited the specific section you gave us, but I'm not sure exactly where it is in the book.

Moroni. "The Book of Mormon: An Account Written by the Hand of Mormon upon Plates Taken from the Plates of Nephi." The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Trans. Joseph Smith Jr. Web. 28 Oct. 2010. < mormon title page>. 


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